Home > Recent shooting

Recent shooting

March 8th, 2008 at 08:57 pm

Something very disturbing happened in my hometown of Chicago yesterday and I feel I must share my feelings about it somehwere, and because I blog here, I've decided to share it all with you. In fact, it happened about ten blocks from our apartment. A student leaving school yesterday at a local high school was shot and killed and another student was severely beaten with a golf club.

I have shared this before, but I'll share again that I am a teacher. There is a lot of talk here in Chicago (I'm not sure if this same conversation is held elsewhere) about our public school system failing our children. In general, there is dissatisfaction with the teachers. After yesterday's events, I can't help thinking about battling that type of violence in the community as a teacher. The news report states that grown men from neighborhood gangs routinely stand outside of the school trying to either harass or recruit students. How do we as teachers change something so ingrained in our students? Yet, we are the first to be blamed.

This also reflects my opinion about the current "mortgage crisis." I am not a homeowner, but for the past four years, I have toyed with the idea of taking out a zero down or interest only mortgage. Thank God my husband is more level headed than I! Is it American to deflect blame away from ourselves? The mortgage industry is not entirely at fault. Sure, they offered faulty products. But when are WE going to stand up and be accountable for the way we live our lives, purchasing well outside of our means, carrying more debt than we can handle, all for plasma TVs!

I see things happening in this society and I am scared for my child. What will become of us, I just don't know. Sigh. I'm just happy I now realize what a distateful thing it is to live in debt. I'd love to purchase a new couch, new furniture, nicer dishes, let the list go on and on and on and on. But I now know that those items will not bring happiness and that I have no business shopping for things I don't need when I have so much debt hanging over my head. I guess that just means we won't have guests over Smile

5 Responses to “Recent shooting”

  1. fern Says:

    I think the fault for the sub-prime mortgage crisis lies with both people applying for these loans AND the lenders. The lenders because they were driven by greed to lower lending standards so that people who had no business buying a certain kind of home, or possibly any home at all, could do so. Everyone was out to make a quick buck, as usual.

    As for the buyers, i don't think it's EVER a good idea to put responsiblity for your well-being in someone else's hands without being sure to do your own due diligence and research to ensure it's the right decision. I don't care if you're talking about a doctor who says yes, you need this surgery (research that and get a 2nd opinion, it's only your body), a mortgage broker, a financial planner or whatever. And if you don't really understand the financials, again, read the paperwork and understand what you're signing. Don't assume that the guy wearing the suit and sitting across the desk from you really has your best interests at heart. Chances are, he doesn't.

  2. aevans1206 Says:

    I agree with you that the mortgage industry is at fault as well. The media just really plays up their being at fault while we're hapless victims, which I think is not true.

  3. Thrifty Ray Says:

    Very sad. More and more parents are losing touch with their children because of drugs, longer working hours to make ends meet, and a myriad of violent "entertainment'...I do not envy our teachers for the challenges they face every day. Bless you for what you do!

    Predatory Lenders, realtors, morgage brokers, media...there are many many reasons subprime got as far out of whack as it did. I have a feeling we've only just seen the tip of the backlash...

  4. boomeyers Says:

    Sure you can have guests over! True friends won't care what your home looks like, they want to hang out with you. Don't feel like you have to punish yourself! You can make do with what you have, slip covers, etc. or buy "new" on Craigslist or garage sales. You can get lots of nice stuff. Buy at estate sales. Get nicer stuff, use it for a while and then upgrade. You can get cute dishes on clearance. There are lots of ways to make your home look nicer, but it is how YOU feel that makes the difference! Never be ashamed of what you have!

  5. Broken Arrow Says:

    You ask some very tough questions....

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